The Grey Sweater & Blue Heels Series
Introducing the Grey Sweater & Blue Heels Series. An Outer Banks photographer, Amanda Hedgepeth inspired me with her series that she did with her girls. And she told me to totally do it because it is so fun to watch them grow. SO WE ARE DOING IT!!!!
Arielle hit 1 month old on January 1, 2021! You can read her Birth Story here. She is already 10 pounds 8.9 ounces and 21 inches long! She has terrific neck control, so smart, very observant, and expressive, and finally has her Days & Nights figured out! She LOVES bath time – but hates getting out (girl same). She smiles and has the cutest dimples, I am hoping in a month or so we can capture them during the series! She has the best expressions and I know we are going to have our hands full when she starts talking because I am anticipating quite a personality, and it is going to be the best!
Her onesie says “Mommy’s Miracle, Daddy’s Dream Come True”
Stay tune for Month 2! It’ll be here before we know it.