~ Kaitlin & Tim | Anniversary Sweethearts ~
Virginia Beach Oceanfront | Virginia Beach, Virginia | September 19, 2023
Kaitlin & Tim are from Ohio, and they got married here a few years ago. They told me they come back every year and visit the spot where they tied the knot. They get photos taken every couple of years and I am so glad I got to meet these two! They were so fun, you could tell that not only were they in love, but that they truly were best friends. Tim made it so easy for me to catch genuine laughs from Kaitlin because he was making jokes the whole time. And Kaitlin looked so pretty, I caught Tim looking at her in admiration and joy. We took these on their ACTUAL anniversary! I love that they made a sweetheart session a part of the way to add romance to the date night. They ran off to a really nice dinner following our pastel skied session. I hope to see them again next anniversary!