Grey Sweater & Blue Heels
I remember nursing Arielle to sleep when she was 1 month old for her 1st Grey Sweater and Blue Heels session. It is hard to believe now she loves taking pictures and can walk in and out of the frame whenever she pleases. I love how expressive and truly happy she is. I am so proud of her. She is saying words like: Dog, Cat, Bat, Pretty, Hey, Hi, Mama, Dad, Dada, Blue and Bird. She is climbing all over EVERYTHING and so adventurous; which is why she has a cut on her lip, and we no longer have a coffee table in the Living Room. She loves traveling like us and she loves to be outside. I hope Virginia will give us one good snow storm this year so we can see her wild spirit in the snow. She loves to redecorate the bottom of our Christmas Tree everyday. And we let her because she obviously knows what looks best.
Just for reference of how big she is now….. Heres a flashback to her 1 Month session
1st Birthday Party
I only took a few photos at her birthday party. But I wanted to include all the ones from my camera. She had such a great party and had so much fun with her cousins and family. She loved eating her cake and playing with her balloons.