Grey Sweater & Blue Heels Series
Now that Arielle is over a year old, I am cutting back her Grey Sweater and Blue Heels to every 2 months. And what a BIG difference 2 months can make! Arielle is not just walking….she’s running, climbing, spinning and dancing. I cannot believe how big she has gotten and sometimes, I still can not fathom that I have a TODDLER now! WHAT!? She is a very bright little free spirit, she can count to 4 now too! She still enjoys the outdoors and really doesn’t seem to mind the cold too much. And has the sweetest personality. She loves taking pictures and what used to be a challenging task is now a breeze, she even says “CHEESE!!!!”. She also says “Cheese” when she wants your phone to take selfies (or photos of the ceiling).
She has always loved Dinosaurs and Dragons, so for Christmas my parents surprised her with tickets for all of us to go to the Dino & Dragon Stroll at the Dulles Expo Center in January. I have included some photos from the Dino & Dragon Stroll after her Sweater and Heels pictures.
Arielle says: ” Thank you Mimi & ‘Pa for the Christmas gift! I had a blast!”