~ Grey Sweater & Blue Heels ~
We are getting closer to TWO years old, and I am so confused, because I blinked. Where did time go?? With more time in between these milestone pictures the more Arielle changes. We’ve started potty training and she is starting to form short sentences like – “I like it.” Even the difference between 18 months and 20 months with these photos was different. This is the most photos I have been able to get of her since she was 1 month old and literally laid there and slept the whole time. She understood taking pictures and even got some of the poses and prompts I gave her like “Put your shoes on”, “Spin around”, “Put your hand on your hip and CHEESE”. She was having a lot of fun. 18 months – it was like pulling teeth to get her to stay on the backdrop and besides “look at me and CHEESE”, I took candids. Please enjoy this next installment of the series.