~ Grey Sweater & Blue Heels ~
Our sweet and spunky baby girl is officially a TODDLER! She turned two last month and had a Little Einstein’s Birthday Party with her friends & family. Our family has had quite the last few weeks, if I am being honest. Since the last blog…Arielle can recognize and name most classical musical instruments (Tuba, Piano, Flute, Guitar..etc.), Arielle had her birthday party, we celebrated Michael & my Dads Birthdays, Mikes Mom had a stroke, Arielle rode her first carnival rides, we drove to see as many Christmas light shows as we could in NOVA & the 757, my maternal grandma (Arielle’s Gigi) went to be with the Lord after a long battle with dementia right before Christmas, we celebrated Christmas in Virginia Beach because Michael was on call – but it was a nice holiday with no running around, and We rang in the New Year with Arielle!
Full transparency, I meant to have these photos and this blog up sooner, but for obvious reasons my month of December and beginning of 2023 have been a roller coaster. So I am kicking off the first blog of the year with Arielle’s next installment of the Grey Sweater & Blue Heels Series!!! Arielle LOVES the camera and being a model!!! Between silly faces, to posing, to the not actually smiling toothy grin – she’s got it all down already!!! This session was pretty sentimental to me. This is the last session that we will have had in the KLP Studio in our NOVA home. We are in the process of moving what’s left in the house to storage, to the dump or to a charity and we aim to be out by the first weekend in February. This will also be the last session that Arielle will have her top 4 front teeth. She is undergoing surgery to have those 4 extracted. I will miss that gap toothy smile… Long story short, DONT NURSE YOUR BABIES TO SLEEP AFTER THEY START EATING FOOD (unless you plan to brush their teeth in their sleep)!!!! I am SO SO SORRY Arielle – Nobody told me, and it feels like it was a “Well, DUH” situation and I’ll live with that guilt forever.
These sessions are going to be reduced even more now. Now instead of every 2 months, its going to be every 6. Her 1/2 year mark and her full year mark! And once she hits 10 – it’ll go down to once a year around her birthday. I am hoping this summer for her 2.5 year session, that we can do it outside at the beach!!! She knows the sweater and shoes are hers and gets so excited when its time to “Play Pictures”!
Here are all my favorites, I still can’t believe she’s TWO already!!! She knows how to count to 14 by herself, she can get to LMNOP in the alphabet by herself, she helps cook & clean, loves to sing and play with dinosaurs (she can name a few too), and LOVES to be outside to walk the doggies.