Wow, I am SO behind with Arielle’s Monthly Updates! I’m Sorry!!!!! I went back to my day job in March, which is full time. It has taken me a few months to figure out a balance between Working Full Time, Owning a business, Being a wife and now also a mother. It took a few months but things are smoothing out. And WOW has time FLOWN! Arielle is so independent and so BUSY! She is in EVERYTHING! She’s got a serious case of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) everyday! She wants to listen to every song, every bedtime story, every conversation in the room. She wants to try ALL the foods and drinks we have. We let her try the stuff she’s ready for. She is so observant and LOVES when animals come up to her for pets. I have been including 1 additional prop per month since the 1st installment. Month 1: Her blank with her name, Month 2: The letter M for McHugh, Month 3: The Little Mermaid her Daddy bought her for the day she arrived as a “Welcome to the World” gift, Month 4: The Pink Cross her Great Grandparents gave her for her baptism that happened in April (She also is wearing her Baptism Reception Dress). Month 5: Winnie the Pooh Blocks since she LOVES Pooh Bear. Month 6: Her 6 Months Banner, because what a MILESTONE HALF A YEAR IS!!! My big girl!!! Also her ring teether because that was the only way she was happy LOL!
*Shout out to The Filthy Mermaid for Arielle’s 1 of a kind Onesie in her 6 month pictures*
There has been SO many changes from 3-6 months! Here are the last 4 Grey Sweater & Blue Heels Series Installments:
Grey Sweater & Blue Heels | 3 Months
Grey Sweater & Blue Heels | 4 Months
Grey Sweater & Blue Heels | 5 Months
Grey Sweater & Blue Heels | 6 Months
Now that she’s mobile and into everything…… this is how most of our sessions pictures end up being! LOL