Grey Sweater & Blue Heels Series
Arielle has really blossomed into a crazy goofy girl with opinions and some LOUD pipes! She will tell you of in her baby language SO FAST! You take that plastic hanger from her, need to take the remote to change the channel, need your glasses to see back?? NOPE! It’s hers now, and if you take it from her before she’s done with it…. she will shed big ole alligator tears and cry or start yelling at you in her baby lingo! She has officially said MAMA BEFORE DADA!!!!! She can’t get enough of the pool, the bath, playing with and petting the dogs, CRAWLING, and her stuffed dolphin she recently acquired from her recent Dinosaur Land expedition. She also now RAWRS at us. She turns 8 Months old in just a few days and it REALLY hit me the other day that she is closer to her 1st Birthday than she is to being a Newborn. And it also hit me that I need to buckle down and start planning her 1st Birthday party!!
This month, I dressed her in a Virginia onesie by Fish Kiss . Michael and I both were born and raised in Northern Virginia, however eventually we would like to relocate to the East Coast of Florida. We don’t know how many of our children will be born here, but Arielle was, she shell always know where she’s from, and how special VA is to us. She also has learned that when she coughs or fake chokes she gets attention – all apart of her goofy, sassy personality; and honestly – we are here for it!