~ Grey Sweater & Blue Heels Series ~
The craziest thing about motherhood to me lately is seeing Arielle learn and change each day. Arielle has been very bright and such a sweetheart since day one. But lately her ability to grasp language and communication astounds me. She learns new words and takes them head on by trying to string them to make two word statements! Some of the things she loves to say are: “Hi Lily!”, “Thank You!”, “Please.”, Juice!”, “Backson.” (from Winnie the Pooh 2011), “Pray!?”, “Love You!”, “DADA!”, “MOMOM!”, and “Mermaid.”
At 16 Months she’s running, climbing and jumping, and I can’t believe I have a full blown toddler now! She has the BEST personality! She is friendly, sweet, happy (about 85% of the time), and HILARIOUS! She is full of curiosity and we just let her explore! She loves to travel and be outside. I have a feeling I’ll be able to do these outside with her and pose her soon. But, for now I am at the mercy of her attention span. This month I had about 15 minutes between her after breakfast bath and nap time. I snuck these in and they came out absolutely adorable and it definitely captures her personality right now.
Love seeing this installment of Arielle’s Grey Sweater & Blue Heels? – Start from the beginning HERE!