Our House | Woodbridge, Virginia | January 4, 2022
A promise I made to myself for 2022 was I was going to include more personal blog posts on here. Time seems to be going by faster and faster. Arielle is constantly growing and changing, our lives have always been roller coasters, we love to travel. Instead of posting a recap at the end of the year, I’d love to go in depth about each place we go, tag the local places we loved, and share more images! I am trying to make sure my camera comes out with us more often, not just on vacation, but some weekends when we go to the park or when Arielle or our pets are doing something fun outside or being cute in the living room.
Arielle is still celebrating first’s! Even though she saw her first snow in 2020, she was only 3 weeks old. I took her out on the front porch to see it but that was the extent because she was a literal newborn. We got a HUGE snow storm this year and Arielle got to go play in it. It took her a little bit to be okay with the snow. She wasn’t the snow’s biggest fan. I think she is going to be a Florida baby, just like us! I hope next snow storm she likes to play in it a little more. We got 9 inches and her snow suit was a little big, it was a struggle for her to walk, so I think that played a big part. Lily-Mae LOVES the snow and would stay out ALL DAY if we let her. Chance enjoyed it for a few but being a small dog, he had to hop to get through it and he was done about the same time as Arielle.
Unfortunately this snow storm was very disastrous to our area. There was a HUGE traffic pile up and it caused I-95 South to shut down for almost 24 hours. And the exits that were blocked, were all around our area. Causing Route 1 to also shut down. Abandoned cars were all over the road. We also lost power…..I think almost all of Northern VA lost power to be honest with you. People were without power for DAYS! We are grateful that our power was only out for 6.5 hours. We were looking at hotel rooms on our phones when the power clicked back on. Trees were down all over the roads, driveways and even…our house. Michael pulled the small tree that was on the house off of it using the Jeep. You can see it in one of the pictures below. We also have a large branch that has fallen onto the power lines over our driveway. People in our area still do not have power and those linemen need to be elsewhere. But, we hope they come remove it soon! You can also see that below too. THANK YOU TO THE LINEMEN & PLOWERS who were out for DAYS straight without sleep, a break and seeing their families to help everyone in the area.
Here are some photos that Michael and I took of our little snow day.
This was the one that fell on the house that Michael was able to pull down with the Jeep and there wasn’t any damage to the house that we could see.