James Madison University | Harrisonburg, Virginia | June 12, 2020
Ashley graduated from Battlefield High School this year!!!! We hoped the winter would grant us a pretty snow storm for her winter session. But unfortunately we had a very warm and mild winter. We ended up also missing out on her spring session due to the COVID – 19 Pandemic.
My heart goes out to all of the seniors that missed their senior proms, end of year parties, and walking at graduation. All the things I took for granted, these Seniors missed out on. I met up with Ashley, her mom Janel, and her boyfriend Garrett at JMU to finish out her remaining 3 sessions, in one day; following Social Distancing guidelines, of course. Here are my favorites from her Cap & Gown Mini, Spring Session, and Sweetheart Mini with Garrett.
Cap & Gown
Spring Session