Old Town of Occaquan | Occaquan, Virginia | August 26, 2017
Brian and Chelsea are expecting their first child VERY soon, His due date is Sept. 22nd but we have a feeling he will be here some time this weekend. Brian and Chelsea are big Steelers fans (YAY!) so naturally I HAD to include the cute little onsie! These pictures are so cute and I love that you can see the anticipation from both of them in these! We had fun shooting in the old little town of Occaquan.Did I mention that this little boy is gunna be my nephew? YUP Brian and and Chelsea are my In – Laws! I always tell the mommas and dads to be to bring outfits, shoes, toys, ultrasound scans, blankets, chalkboards, anything with the babies name on it, because I think (just like wedding days) details are SO important. They are only gunna stay so little for a small window of time so why not photograph the cute onesies and little shoes? And anyone who knows me, know that I LOVE little baby shoes even tho they are pointless because they can’t walk – I don’t care! They are little itty bitties and I love it.
This is a great candid that Michael got of them.
Go Steelers!!!