An Adoption Story | Virginia Beach, Virginia | September 23, 2016
Last year we decided we needed a puppy in our lives. We checked all over the ASPCA, Local Shelters and Craigslist for puppies. Overtime we found a puppy we liked someone got them before we could get to them. One night Michael came across a post for a 4 month old German Shepherd/ Black Lab puppy that had been posted 15 minuets prior. Michael called and the lady said that we were the first people to inquire and that she and her husband would meet Michael and I in the Petsmart parking lot in an hour.
365 days ago we rescued Lily Mae from an abusive, negligent, Military family. The man pulled her out of a Chihuahua crate where she couldn’t sit, lay down or stand, she was just crouched inside which was all the way in the back of his SUV. She looked under fed and definitely terrified. He put her in my arms….she peed on me…but I didn’t even care. Her eyes looked like the dogs and cats in that one SPCA commercial that has “In the Arms Of The Angels” playing. The man said that she had turned 4 months 2 days prior — I did the math…Lily Mae was born on our wedding day. She licked my face and I knew; I knew we were keeping her. Michael and I exchanged the same look of agreement. We were keeping her. We gave them the cash and they gave us all the supplies ( including Chihuahua sized food & water bowls) and food they had for her and they took off.
We took Lily into Petsmart to get her a crate that she could grow into, a new bed, a new leash / collar, new bowls, name tags, toys and got her an appointment at Banfield for her shots because they gave us no vet records – we were sure they didn’t vaccinate her. It took her about 10 – 15 minuets to realize that the other couple was gone and that we were okay humans to be with. Soon she started opening up, wagging her tail, playing with other dogs, and walking with pep in her step. She had won our hearts. Within a few days Lily was potty trained, done crate training, socialized with other pups in the neighborhood, gaining weight to her proper weight for a 4 month old Shepherdor, learning how to bark, and learned multiple tricks. We also discovered that she is actually a Shepherdor / Hound mix!!! If hear her bark/howl… you’ll defiantly know she’s a hound. She came with the name Lily but upon learning she was born in May we wanted to add to her name.
Fast forward to TODAY… Lily Mae has been with us thru so much… She went thru last few weeks of warm beach days, our first holidays married and living in VA Beach, she was my comfort when I lost my day job and was unemployed for 5 months, she moved in with my parents house with us, her first Birthday, and she moved again with us to our new apartment now, and now she is a sister to our 2nd rescue pup Chance (His rescue story will be on the blog at some point too). She is so so smart and so stubborn. But she has the sweetest heart, eyes, face, demeanor. Here are some photos of Lily Mae from then and now…. Most of these are from my phone and the quality sucks but I am fairly certain they are in chronological order.
We love you Lily Mae – you have blessed our lives. Happy Adoption Day!!
This was the night we brought her home
Her first ride up to NOVA to meet the family & the first weekend daddy had to work at his restaurant job (This is out of order)
After Lily’s first vet visit and her first visit to Hunt Club Farm for the pumpkin patch and made friends with the Zebra
Family Picture at Hunt Club Farm
(DONT PAY ATTENTION TO MY HOT MESS SELF) The Oceanfront when Hurricane Matthew was rolling in
I look like a mess, but family picture in the hurricane! & Lily’s 1st Halloween
Lily Mae is SUCH a Daddy’s Girl
Before and After her Spay appointment
(This is out of order too) Lily’s First trip to Williamsburg and Lily looking like a Boudoir model after her spay. She hated the cone so we put her in a onesie to protect her incision.
Lily loves car rides but always ends up in my lap & a RARE photo of Lily in the water (SHE HATES WATER)
Wintery Nights Lily LOVES Blankets
This photo makes me sad because this was Lily’s last day with her friends in VA Beach at the Dog Park at our apartment in VB. We literally left in the U-Haul after this was taken. *Heart Shattered* Their owners… were also our friends and I am SO SAD we had to leave them too. (if y’all read this, WE MISS YOU)
This is out of order too but this was off my DSLR at the PETA Dog Park in Norfolk
She has gotten SO BIG (from 22lbs to 47lbs!)
Lily sleeping on a pillow from the couch after we moved into our Manassas Park Apartment and a DSLR photo of Lily playing at the Dog Park by my work
Jaws of the dog park – she LOVES sticks
Lily Mae & her brother Sir Chance playing at the dog park
Lily Mae – TODAY!!!! Enjoying her favorite chair on our deck.