~ Photographer Edition ~
#WeddingTipWednesday | As a wedding photographer I always get questions about what gear I use, what additional styling pieces I bring with me on wedding days and how much of what I bring do I actually use. I can make a blog about what gear and styling pieces I use on wedding days – if this is something you WANT to see, sound off in the comments below! But, there are TONS of non photography items that I bring to EVERY wedding day that some photographers don’t think about bringing.
#5 – A Change of Shoes – Wedding days are typically 8-12 hour days on your feet and constantly lifting, walking, moving things, bending, not to mention the occasional awkward position I find myself in during the portrait session just to get the right angle. I wear more formal footwear when I show up to the venue all the way til I sit down for my meal break at dinner. Then I switch to my absolute favorite pair of shoes ever. My Toms. I switch to my black Toms during the reception and this not only helps my feet but also my back! When I was pregnant with Arielle, I started changing my shoes at weddings. Although back then it was Moccasins because my feet were too swollen for Toms.
#4 – Caffeine – I feel like this was probably self explanatory but, I start my morning with a Red Bull and I will probably have a 2nd one right before the ceremony. I hate coffee and Red Bull has more caffeine and less sugar than a can of Pepsi. Seeing me with a Red Bull at a wedding is NOT unheard of. I want to be on my toes 24/7 on a wedding day and caffeine helps keep me energized even during slow sections of the wedding day. I also drink Bubly Bounce throughout the day. I have IBS so the carbonation helps my stomach, its water so I am hydrating and its lightly caffeinated. ***I do not drink Red Bull or Bubly Bounce while pregnant***
#3 – “Crash Kit” – I bring what I call a “Crash Kit”. I make sure I have some kind of over the counter pain reliever, Snacks, Deodorant, Saftey Pins, Hair Tie, Antacid, Eye Drops, Feminine Hygiene Products, Band Aids, Neosporin, and 2 Liquid IVs
. This is just incase Michael or I start to feel under the weather or have a personal mishap on the wedding day. This came SO HANDY when I was pregnant and had heartburn 24/7. I also include my breast pump and everything included with that if I need to pump during the wedding day, if I am breastfeeding. Here is what my Crash Kit looks like right now:
#2 – Weather Protection – It doesn’t matter if there are clear skies in the forecast, I am bringing the following weather protection items: Clear Umbrella’s because no Rain or Snow is gunna stop us from getting gorgeous wedding day portraits. Shoe Covers because if it is muddy we do not want to track any mud around the inside of the venue. 5 Clear Ponchos to cover my camera, Michael’s camera, the off camera flash, and one for Michael and I both to wear. Luckily we have only had to use the Shoe Covers on a wedding day so far (*knock on wood*).
#1 – Safety Pins – Safety Pins are so versatile for its uses but they have saved the day a few times in the past. I was able to give some to a Bridesmaid who’s dress strap broke 20 min before the ceremony. I helped a bride bustle her train with some because she didn’t have a bustle on the dress. I was able to pin on a couple boutonnieres when the florist was short two pins. You never know when you’ll need them and you will save the day sometimes if you have them.
If you enjoyed this little breakdown – let me know! I would LOVE to do more like this in the future. I have a Wedding Day Gear Must Have List that maybe will be shared in a few weeks 😉