Nags Head | Outer Banks, North Carolina | July 22, 2017
Hi friends! This post is going to be fun because I not only took these photos but I am in them too! My grandparents last name is Roth, and because of them there are The Tuckers, The Strieters, The Downings, The McHughs, More Roth’s & a Brookestine (We also have the McKinnies but they were unable to come on vacation). It was definitely a challenge for the group photo because I had to run from my camera, hope that the kids were looking and try to make myself presentable all in 10 seconds! It took a few tries but we had 2 winners! We also got a PERFECT silly one. I love my family and I love how these photos turned out!
Can we just take a moment and just look at how cute my grandparents are!?How cute are my parents!!??
So glad my dad was able to get some of Michael & I too
This is the best funny family photo EVERRR