Michael –
Happy 5th Wedding Anniversary!!! How does it feel to be married to this craziness for half a decade? Words cannot describe how happy and in love with you I truly am with you. You are probably the most hard working man I have ever met. You always want to learn more, do more, hit your goals, do more. I am so lucky and proud to call you my husband. You are such an amazing husband, and now you’re also an amazing dad! Arielle and I are SO LUCKY to call you ours! I am so happy with the life we built together, even though getting here was sometimes messy, sometimes rough, sometimes smooth sailing and sometimes things go absolutely perfect. When you proposed to me in 2014 you told me, “We have a lot of growing up to do, so let’s do it together!” I think that is why we just work. You’re my best friend in the whole wide world. We have been growing up together the past 8 years (5 of them being married). went through IVF together, and a lot of the time, couples don’t make it through. And even though they diagnosed us with Male Factor Infertility and you told me tried to break up with me by saying “I should go be with someone who give you kids the right way.” I stayed by your side. And I am so glad I did, and thank you for letting me stay and go through this journey together. 4 years of our marriage was filled with infertility and we made it through, that is one of the hardest journeys a couple could endure. Sometimes we take each other for granted, sometimes we bicker or fight especially with a baby now (no sleep, all work, etc.) But, in the end we make it through, say our “Sorry”‘s and move on. We share the same goal of “Just being Happy” whether that means we are on vacation, enjoying somewhere local, tent camping or staying in a hotel or even staying home (especially last year) in our pjs making a mess in the kitchen and chasing each other with something cold in our hands.
Life has thrown us curve ball after curve ball and we still manage to make it through. We have our ups and our downs. But, I am so proud of us, of who we are now is so different from back when we met, but deep down, we are still those kids who met at a bowling party in 2013. I love you so much Michael Richard, you’ll always be my best friend and shooting star.
And since in just a few days (May 24) we will be celebrating 8 years together I thought we could do some throwbacks….heres some highlights that I always find myself looking back on – and they always make me more excited for our future together. *Warning – poor quality photos but high quality memories!*
I love you so much, forever & always, to the moon & back, times infinity & beyond!!!!!!! I am so excited for the rest of our lives together!!!